long beard length chart

2024 Ultimate Beard Length Chart – Guide by a Barber

2024 Ultimate Beard Length Chart – Guide by a Barber

Beard Length Chart Simplified

In this article we discuss the barber’s opinion and tips for –

Each of the beard lengths below we discuss specific Length, complimentary face shape, maintenance, and the Pros and Cons of each.

  • Stubble Length
  • Short Beard Length
  • Medium Beard Length
  • Long Beard Length
  • Tailored

– Beard Length Chart Clipper Guards – Ultimate Length Chart Guide

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1. Stubble Length – Prince Charming – 1-3mm

stubble beard length chart

Professional for most industries and a slightly effortless charming look, and considered the most sexy by women according to a 2008 study.

Length of stubble is anywhere between 1-3 millimeters, or in terms of guards – #000 (no guard) to a #1 1/2 to leave the beard length just short enough but just long enough.

In my professional experience, this length is great for men that have sensitive skin that breaks out with a clean shaven baby-face. The stubble leaves the skin happy and not irritated, but short enough to not look messy or neglected. (See the beard length chart below)


👍 Stubble Beard length is complimentary of all face shapes

👍 You don’t need to brush it out or worry about frizz

👍 Great for men that grow patchy beards because it doesn’t make the patchy parts stand out

👍 Gives you an extra week or so for slow-growing beards before you look rugged

👍 Considered the most sexy by women in 2008 study


👎 Stubble Beard length needs to be trimmed at least once if not twice a week to be maintained

👎 You have to line up the cheeks and neck more often than you trim

👎 Some men still find the Stubble Beard length itchy for their skin

2. Short Beard – Business Professional – 4-6mm

My personal favorite length! Equivalent to a #2-#4 guard length, 1/4″ – 1/2″, which is 3-6 millimeters, just long enough to not feel scratchy or itchy, and just short enough (especially for curly bearded men) to not look frizzy.

Most professional industries that require business attire for the office allow this length for their professionals. (See the beard length chart below)


👍 Short Beard length is complimentary of round face shapes

👍 You don’t need to brush it out or worry about frizz

👍 Great for men that grow patchy beards because it doesn’t make the patchy parts stand out

👍 Considered sexy by me (and most other women I know)


👎 Short Beard length needs to be trimmed at least once if not twice a week to be maintained

👎 You have to line up the cheeks and neck more often than you trim

👎 Some men still find the short beard length itchy for their skin

3. Medium Length – Mountain Man – 7-14mm

When you want to get the Mountain Man look, it’s a little awkward to grow out, I’m not going to lie, and you have to get it trimmed or learn how to maintain it so that you don’t look homeless.

The key to keeping a beautiful medium beard length is keeping the beard length on the cheeks not wider than the ears. If the length becomes wider than the ears it creates a more round effect, and definitely can make the beard seem a little rough.

Many men pull off the medium mountain man beard length beautifully! You just have to keep the cheeks trimmed nicely and continue lining it up underneath the chin to make sure that you don’t have a neck-beard that pushes the beard length on the chin outward like you have a double chin-beard.


👍 Medium Beard length is complimentary of almost all face shapes

👍 When you know how to maintain it, it’s easy and you have more ‘Woke up like this’ effortless mornings

👍 You can line it up at the same time as you trim, not more often

👍 For men that have patchy growth a Medium Beard length is just long enough that you can begin to not see the patchiness

👍 Considered sexy by women that like to run their fingers through a nice beard


👎 Medium Beard length needs to be trimmed at least once a week to be maintained

👎 Can make the face look wider because of cheek-frizz

👎 If you don’t shape your beard yourself it can get expensive to pay a barber to do it for you once a week

4. Long Beard – Full Viking – 15-19mm +

If you use a guard to still trim a ‘long beard’ it’s a #6 – #7 guard (see beard length chart for clippers below), which is a 3/4″ – 7/8″. By this length though you should just be free-handing trimmers or using scissors to shape away those frizzies.

When you reach Long Beard length, and you’re aiming for the Viking length, oftentimes you want to keep the length on the chin more pointy and keep the cheeks a little shorter than the length from the chin. Continuing to line up the neck underneath the beard will help the beard fall downwards and not push the length outwards like you’re jutting your chin out.

* Long Beard Pro Tip – Do NOT use a flat iron or beard straightener on the cheeks until it’s longer than 1″, and even if you use a straightener, ALWAYS use a heat protectant because the last thing you want to do is burn your hard-earned beard length off.

Instead – With a blowdryer, heat up a small round brush and use that to brush the beard straight. This method will prevent burning the beard off or cause any serious heat damage to the beard. It also keeps the frizzies in and helps the beard look longer and smoother. Especially as you begin to approach the viking length. Sometimes only beard oil or beard balm is all you need to smooth it down.


👍 Long Beard length is complimentary of narrow and long face shapes

👍 When you know how to maintain it, scissors might be all you need to keep the beard in good shape

👍 You only need to really get it trimmed once a month, and even then it’s just shaped, there is no length that really comes off (if you want to continue growing the length without looking homeless or mangy)

👍 You can line it up less often

👍 Considered sexy by women that like viking beards


👎 Easier to look mangy if it’s not properly shaped and combed

👎 If you don’t shape your beard yourself you have to find a barber you trust that knows how to cut beards with your long viking beard

👎 Not good for men that work in heavy machinery or any kind of manual labor that requires heat (such as welding)

5. Tailored Beard – Maintained to Individual’s Preferences

A tailored beard isn’t a specific length. It’s any length between short and long that is maintained the individual’s style, specific growth patterns, and personal preferences.


👍 Tailored Beard length is complimentary of all face shapes

👍 Maintenanced for your face shape, cowlicks, texture, and specific needs

👍 Style can be easily changed

👍 It’s exactly specific for your taste and your preferences


👎 You have to experiment more to find the exact style and length that suites you best

👎 You have to tailor your beard to your own liking often, or find a barber that you trust to do it exactly to your liking

👎 Easy to trim too short or leave too long when maintaining

Which Beard Length is Best 2024?

The best beard length in 2024 is the Short Beard and Tailored Beard.

These are the two best beard lengths this year because they are –

✔️ Professional

✔️ Specific for you

✔️ Truly beautiful and sexy in 2024

Beard Length Chart for Clipper or Trimmer Guards

0 guard “No Guard” : 1/16 inch (1.6mm) —- Stubble Beard
1 Guard: 1/8 inch (3mm)
2 Guard: 1/4 inch (6mm) —- Short Beard
3 Guard: 3/8 inch (10mm)
4 Guard: 1/2 inch (13mm) —- Medium Beard
5 Guard: 5/8 inch (16mm) —- Long Beard
6 Guard: 3/4 inch (19mm)
7 Guard: 7/8 inch (22mm)
8 Guard: 1 inch (25mm) —- Going on Viking Length

Miaco Brand 10 Size Universal Clipper Guards for $21.49

Classic 76 Oster Clippers 17 Piece Set – Including #00000 (skin level), #000, #1 Blades – 10 Piece Clipper Guards, Grease & Oil for $198.95

Oster 76 Classic Clipper 7 Piece Set – Including 000 & #1 Blades, Oil & Grease for $143.54

Which Clipper Guard Length is Best for You?

The clipper guard length best for you will only come by trial and error.

My personal favorite length is a #3 because it’s just long enough that it doesn’t look like stubble, you can see the beard, and it’s not itchy or scratchy anymore.

The clipper guard best for you depends on your preferences and goals. Ask a professional for help to determine what the clipper guard length is best for you and bring photos of what you want your beard to look like. They’ll be able to help you determine which guard to start with and which one to end with.

Understanding Clipper Guards

what clipper guard is best for you

What is a Clipper Guard?

Clipper guards are attachments that are either clip-on, magnetic, or slide onto clippers or trimmers to create a specifically measured length in millimeters (see the beard guard length chart above) to prevent the tool’s blade to cut the beard (or hair) too short.

Consider Guard Lengths

Depending on your beard preferences and goals, you should consider the guard length from the chart above because though those lengths in millimeters are consistent, they might make some beard textures look different than the listed “short-medium-long” stated.

For example, if you have a patchy beard and want a ‘short’ length, you might actually need a medium beard length guard to give an illusion that your beard is fuller at the length that you want it to appear to be.

Or if you have a curly beard and want to grow it out to a long or viking length, you will have to experiment with guard lengths and use longer guards to create an illusion that your beard is shorter than it really is, because your beard will spring up from whatever longer length you choose.

Beard Length Numbers

Here’s the thing, you don’t have to memorize the beard length numbers. You just have to know which one to use with your own beard for maintenance.

If you’re growing your beard out, just use the next number up until it’s too long for guards anymore.

If you really want to know the guard lengths numbers, remember that they increase in 1/8″ each, and end at a #8 which is 1″.

Professionally, I don’t even own a guard over #6 because any length longer than 3/4″ (19mm) I can achieve a more consistently even trim with my trimmers and comb, or scissors.

The longer the guard the more hairs might fold and get tucked away and hide, coming out later and making the beard look a little frizzy.

Why are Clipper Guards Important

Clipper guards are important because they offer consistency in the cut. The guard guarantees that the length is the same all around.

It’s not about clipper guard length, it’s down to personality and grooming skill.

Consider Beard Type

Straight, curly, blonde, dark, patchy.

All of these factor into the beard style and what length you should maintain the beard at. The type of hair changes how you style the beard as well.

Cutting and Styling Tips from a Barber

  • Brush it out

Using a soft-bristled brush, or comb (best for the beard, keeps it from tearing) will keep a straight beard from looking frizzy, and a curly beard from looking matted. You can even use a hot round brush to straighten the beard.

  • Use beard oil, beard balm, & mustache wax


Beard oils are the prime hydrators of beards. Both beneficial for the facial hair and the skin, beard oils are designed to soak in – so they don’t look oily or greasy. They aren’t strong enough to style a beard but excellent for taming frizz and helping a dry itchy face under the beard feel moisturized.

Every Man Jack Sandalwood Beard Oil for $17.05

Every Man Jack is a great product for those with sensitive skin. This particular blend is gentle on the skin and hydrates with vitamin E, Argan, and Borage Oils.


A beard balm is basically a thick, almost wax-like conditioner for the beard that you can melt in your hands and apply to a long beard to lightly shape and keep the frizzies down.

Viking Revolution Beard Balm 4 Variety Pack for $24.88

Reuzel Wood & Spice Beard Balm for $14.95

I love Reuzel products, they smell awesome and have great hold and texture. I’ve always had clients return with excellent reviews.

Mustache Wax

Mustache waxes are only helpful when you are using it to achieve an impressive handlebar. Gels and pomades are also great for styling a mustache.

  • Cutting the mustache

Trimming down the mustache so that it’s out of the mouth is, in my opinion, much sexier than not being able to see the lips at all.

Doing so is simple, cut the little hairs across the top of the lip, and then using a comb horizontally at a 45 degree angle, lift those same hairs and lightly trim. This will prevent from the mustache looking like a shelf off of the lip.

If you’re growing out the handlebars, a mustache wax is important for that style. Keep in mind that you need to use a lot of wax for the big handlebars.

  • Neckline and Jawline

Trimming the neck and jawline can be hard to do on yourself, for sure. But don’t worry! I have a pro tip for you that will make it so much easier for you!

If you were to look straight up, the jaw makes an A shape. When trimming the neck, create your guide by following the jaw shape (but not all the way up to the jaw line, just at the bend of the neck when you look straight). Instead of trimming straight across the neck in a line, make an A shape instead.

The A shape prevents you from having neck beard, and creates an illusion that the beard is perfectly straight below the chin, because it follows the natural line of your jaw.

  • Trimming vs. Shaping vs. Shaving
barbering vs cosmetology

Trimming – Taking down the length with a clipper guard.

Shaping – De-frizzing and keeping the sides of the beard narrower than the ears.

Shaving – Using a straight blade to remove facial hair until the skin is baby smooth.

  • Caring for the Skin Under the Beard

Like mentioned above, beard oil is excellent for hydrating sensitive skin underneath the beard.

Use your shampoo to wash your beard and face using gentle but firm circular movements. If you have viking length beard, use a conditioner as well.

Use a beard oil to rub into the face first and then the length of the beard. If you want to use a beard balm after, you should! But always hydrate the skin under the beard first.

The Beard 8 Rules

Hygiene – Clean your face and maintain the hair it grows. It’s very important so that the skin underneath doesn’t become irritated or break out.

Habits – Not touching the beard like a nervous habit. Washing, hydrating, and maintaining the beard through regular trims to keep it shaped.

Products – Use products that work with your personal chemistry. Not every beard oil or wash will work with your skin and beard. Test them out to see which one you like the best and get the best results from.

Tools – Don’t go all mountain man rogue and not touch the facial hair for years in attempt to grow a nice beard, it simply doesn’t work without looking nasty. Invest in the right tools and if you need help learning how to use them, ask your personal barber for tips with the particular tools that you bought. If you have a good barber and a relationship with them they’ll be happy to help you learn how to trim your beard in between trips to the barbershop.

Shaping – Learning how to shape the beard is important because once shaped it doesn’t look any shorter but looks cleaner and more effortless. Shaping a beard doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s shorter, but just… shaped.

An unshaped beard ends up looking ragged and a viking length unshaped beard looks terribly jagged, like a heartbeat monitor at the hospital.

Patience – Speaking of mountain man rogue… It takes patience to grow a magnificent viking beard. Give yourself time, even if you have an awkward beard phase, have patience, it will grow out of the awkwardness into the length that is more manageable and that you enjoy more.

Here are the 3 Phases so it’s easier to understand how hair grows so that it’s easier to have patience while the beard length is growing –

Anagen – The growth phase – the hair will grow as quick as it can.

Catagen – The transition phase – the hair growth slows and might even fall out to make room for new little hairs to grow.

Telogen – The resting phase – the hair will just be, not grow, and not fall out, but the phase where the follicle rests before beginning the anagen phase again.

Make it Personal – The best part of a beautiful beard is that it’s on you! You make the beard look good, not the other way around. With that being said, find the kind of style that you like and that says “this is me”.

Do NOT use a hot tool on the beard – I have seen hard-earned beards burnt off and damaged beyond repair by hot tools set to heat temperatures far too high or that have been over used on the beard without heat protection. Do NOT use a hot tool on the beard too frequently, or without proper heat protection. The safest way to straighten a beard is by heating up a round brush (with a blow dryer) and brushing the hair straight.

What Length Should your Beard be?

Personal. The length your beard should be is however long your personal preferences like.

If you truly don’t know what you like or what you prefer, ask your barber, who knows you, your style, and your beard texture already, what would compliment your face shape and how to maintain it.

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FAQs for 2024 Ultimate Beard Length Chart – Guide by a Barber

What Length is a #3 on a Beard Trimmer?

#3 guard is 3/8″ or 10mm. Also, my personal favorite beard length.

10mm beard length

10 mm beard length is equivalent to a #3 guard.

Most Attractive Beard Length

According to a study in 2008 women prefer a 10 day growth length beard which averages a stubble to medium length, roughly 10mm (#3 guard… starting to see a pattern here?)

What is an Awkward Beard Phase?

An awkward beard phase is when it’s not as long as you want it to be but it’s not short enough either, it’s an awkward in between. The awkwardness of the beard in this phase is typically not because the length is awkward but that the maintenance takes more effort or else without it will look awkward and messy.

What is Peak Beard?

The longest length that you like to grow your beard but also the longest that your beard will allow itself to grow. It can mean both.

Appropriate Professional Length for a Beard

As a barber I have gotten this question a lot, and the answer is the appropriate professional length for a beard is usually in between guard lengths #1-#4 (1.6mm – 13mm)

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