How to Grow Hair Fast- Best Hair Mask for all hair types
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Best Hair Mask for curly, straight, dry, damaged, bleached, or wavy… every type of hair can benefit from a homemade flaxseed gel. Flaxseed gel has nutrients that encourage the scalp to grow hair fast as well as stimulate blood flow, which also helps grow hair fast.

The Ingredient of the BEST Hair Mask to Help Grow Hair Fast
Flax is a grain, and its seeds once boiled, create a delightful jelly-like slime that is comparable to the texture of egg white and is good for every type of hair.
It is inexpensive and can be purchased in large quantities at any whole food store or natural grocers.
I personally, purchase mine at Sprouts. And to keep the flaxseeds as fresh as possible I keep them in the fridge.

What type of hair does flaxseed gel hair masks help grow fast?
Personally, I have straight, blonde natural hair. My best friend has dark, curly hair. We both use flaxseed gel hair masks.
She actually showed me this little trick, and opened my eyes to the beautiful opportunities and benefits this mask has for everyone!
For my straight hair, homemade flaxseed gel masks have calmed the frizz, softened my hair, and made it super combable without leave-in conditioner even!
For my dear friend’s seemingly untamable curls, it hydrates the curls, thus reducing extra frizz, and makes the curls bouncy and full.
Why flaxseed works to help grow hair fast
Flaxseed has many nutrients, mainly B vitamins as well as vitamin E.
B vitamins nourish the scalp and encourage growth at rapid rates.
Vitamin E reduces the nasty free radicals on the scalp and hiding in the hair that slow down hair growth.
Flaxseed gel doesn’t build up on the hair or scalp. Which is what you want, a type of leave-in conditioner, or mask that will wear off and not sit on the cuticle for weeks.
Flaxseed gel has a pH of 7. Smack in the middle of the pH scale, which means it’s neutral.
Human hair and skin sit at 4.5-5.5 on the pH scale. If there are any products you are using above a 7, please stop, they are hurting your skin and hair more than they are helping.
To see why pH is important for your hair and skin health please see Why Does My Hair Get Greasy Overnight?
Now, I preach that there is no universal solution to hair problems because no two people have the same hair or the same chemistry. No miracle product exists that will be a solution for every type of hair.
I make an exception for homemade flaxseed gel hair masks. I have yet to hear that it hasn’t helped anyone.
Wash your hair before applying the mask
Give your scalp a good scrub with your favorite shampoo, preferably a silicone-free shampoo so that there is not extra buildup on the scalp and hair.
Is Silicone-Free Shampoo Good?
Or you could try an Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse. It works as an all-natural and chemical-free shampoo alternative and is completely healthy for the scalp.
Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse Recipe and Benefits
Use your fingertips to scrub, NOT YOUR FINGERNAILS to get product, oil, and dirt out of your hair. If you scratch the scalp, it will cause abrasions that can become infected and lead to hair loss. By using your fingertips to scrub creates extra blood stimulation to the scalp, thus stimulating growth as well.
For other tips on how to wash your hair please see,
How to Wash your Hair to Prevent Hair Loss
Is it Okay to Wash Your Hair Once Per Week?
How to make Homemade Flaxseed Gel For Best Hair Mask to Help Hair Grow Fast
Making a flaxseed gel hair mask is very easy.

What you need
1/4 cup Flaxseeds
1 cup Water
Small cooking pot
Strainer or cheesecloth (or pantyhose)
Cooking up the hair mask

Place about a quarter to a half cup of flaxseeds in a small cooking pot.
Fill the pot with about one cup of water, and place on the stove on high heat.
Once boiling, leave the lid off of the pot and allow the seeds to boil for 3-5 minutes.
To strain the seeds, place a small bowl in the sink, and pour the contents of the pot into a strainer, cheesecloth, or the foot of pantyhose.
Strainer- Wait for all of the gel to seep out of the seeds. Shake lightly for the stubborn gel to strain out.
Cheesecloth or pantyhose- Squeeze firmly to strain all of the gel out of the seeds.

The texture will be similar to egg white, slightly sticky and slippery, with a few bubbles.
Throw away remaining flaxseeds. OR grind them to a powder in the blender or food processor and use as a face mask base.
To apply hair mask

While the gel is cooling, give yourself a good shampoo.
Flaxseed gel hair mask works best on freshly clean hair.
Apply the gel hair mask like a conditioner. Focusing from the ends up to the roots and scalp.
Allow the hair mask to sit for 15-30 minutes.
Rinse well.
What I do, at this point, is use Original Sprout Deep Conditioner. Just to seal in that hydration that just soaked into my hair, but also to bring the pH back to it’s natural 4.5-5.5, not leaving the scalp at a 7, which is where flaxseed gel sits on the scale.
Find Original Sprout Deep Conditioner on Amazon Here!
You’ll notice that the hair is sleeker, but still might be a little tangly when you try to run your fingers through your hair while it’s wet.
Post hair mask
Let your hair dry. Run a wet comb, or your fingers through your hair. What does it feel like?
If you’re a blow-dry type of person, now is the time.
Best Professional Blow Dryer and How to give it its Longest Life
Personally, I airdry my hair. But that is my personal preference.
Blow drying CURLY HAIR- you MUST use a DEFUSER, and heat protectant.
A defuser is an attachment that goes on your blow dryer. It’s round and oftentimes has some rounded teeth on it.
To use a defuser, simply flip upside down, or turn your head to the side and scrunch your hair with the defuser. I promise, it WILL dry your hair, but this method doesn’t compromise your curls. If you blow-dry them straight down your hair will be frizzy.
Even if you blow-dry on low heat, still use a protectant, your gorgeous curls will be ready to show off! Please don’t compromise them by drying them straight.
Why is Heat Protectant Important?
Blow drying STRAIGHT HAIR- Please use a heat protectant! (see above) And be sure to blow dry with the grain not against it.
Hair has an outer shell called the cuticle, it’s like shingles on a roof that lay down flat. Heat makes the cuticle raise up.
If the blowdryer (of any heat) is being dried against the grain (which means high-speed drying straight up the hair instead of down) your hair will be frizzy and untameable.
For straight hair, I strongly suggest blowdrying with a brush, either a paddle brush, round brush, or vent brush.
After blow-drying
Post-blow-drying I strongly recommend using beard oil. (Yes, I said that.)
Just two or three MAXIMUM drops of BEARD OIL in your beautiful curls, or straight silkiness, scrunching or running your fingers through, but only from the bottom up. Two drops go a very long way.
Why beard oil? As both a Cosmetologist and Barber, I have discovered that the men got it right as far as oil goes.
Beard oil is closer to the pH of the hair and skin, and soaks into the hair and skin. Hair oil, which is what most women use, coats the cuticle instead of soaking in, making it look oily and greasy.
The only reason that beard oil would make your hair greasy, is if you use too much.
Or you can use your favorite leave-in conditioner.
Et Voila! There you go! A perfect all-natural, homemade, hair mask to nourish your scalp and hair as well as encourages the scalp to grow hair faster!
Who doesn’t want that!?
Does Exercise Help Hair Growth?
How to Make Homemade Conditioner for Hair- 21 Ingredients Found in your Kitchen