Best Aftershave, why should i use it?

Why use Aftershave? Best aftershave- liquid or lotion?

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What is the best aftershave? Why should I use it, should all men use it?

But first, what does aftershave do? As a professional barber, I’ll tell you…

Best Aftershave, why should i use it?

It’s not really necessary. False.

This is a lie. It is necessary.

Being a barber myself, and after working for years alongside other barbers with much more knowledge and talent than myself, I can assure you that aftershave is NOT just a scheme for selling more retail.

Aftershave is actually used for the healing of your skin AFTER the SHAVE.

But why? How does aftershave help heal the skin?

Your skin has several layers called the ‘epidermis’. Shaving your skin with a razor removes and scrapes the very outermost layer of the dermis off, exposing the second layer of the epidermis, the dermis.

Shaving also exfoliates the skin, making all toxicities and impurities lift to the outer layer of the skin. Which is one reason why some break out after shaving.

Starting to break-up with break-outs…

Another reason why you might break out after a shave is because without aftershave the skin remains microscopically scratched and exfoliated from the razor (multiple blades or a single blade) leaving the under-layers of skin exposed to welcome bacteria and dirt. And thus, breaking out. 

Breakouts can be just red spots. Sometimes these red spots are raised and bumpy, while other times these red bumps become infected- meaning they become pimples.

Aftershave is an important step to ALWAYS include in your shaving routine. But why, you might ask…

Why does aftershave help prevent breakouts?

The main ingredient in every aftershave that exists is alcohol, which is why it generally has a reputation to sting. Like in the classic scene in Home Alone, the kid slaps his smooth cheeks with this alcohol-infused product and yes, it hurts! but only for a minute!

Why is this a good thing? Because alcohol has a drying and closing effect.

What happens to your skin when the alcohol in the aftershave touches the skin is it makes the pores close very quickly.

If you read The Exquisite Find’s edition of How to Shave- 7 steps to properly shave, you will remember that the skin has to be soft and hydrated in order for the razor to graze smoothly on the skin instead of scratch it. By doing this, usually, after a hot shower where the skin has been thoroughly cleaned and is soft and open from the steam, shaving cream or another kind of smoothing agent is applied and one can shave comfortably.

However, shaving comfortably on warm, soft, hydrated skin means that the pores are still open after the shave! Leaving unsuspecting, open pores to welcome any kind of bacteria and dirt it touches or is in the air (that means pimples and blackheads).

Aftershave closes the skin abruptly, avoiding leaving the skin open.

Don’t stop with just liquid aftershave

Alright, so I said this masculine post-shave product was important. But then said that it dries out the skin, which is usually bad. Now what?

Applying liquid classic aftershave to close the pores is important. But leaving the skin dry is not good either.

Hydrating the skin again is IMPERATIVE! If you were to leave your happy, soft, shocked skin to stay dry after applying alcohol-infused aftershave, the skin will open up the pores again seeking out moisture.

No, this doesn’t mean using aftershave to close the skin is pointless because it’s just going to reopen again. There is a reason for this last step.

This final step of a shave after the step above is to hydrate. Again, if you would like to see the steps to a proper shave, see How to Shave- 7 steps to shave properly.

Hydrating after aftershave

Hydrating with a face lotion or hydrating cream is the best thing to do for your skin after applying aftershave. Dry skin reopens the pores to welcome moisture.

My favorite post-liquid aftershave cream is actually an aftershave too!

Suavecito Menthol Aftershave Cream. It both closes the skin, AND a lotion moisturizer to encourage the skin to keep its pores closed.

Best aftershave

And the menthol feels cool and tingly on the skin, encouraging blood flow and circulation on the face.

Using a moisturizer, I highly recommend Suavecito Menthol Aftershave, at this point is important because you 1) Hydrated the skin for a shave, 2) Shaved using the correct and proper 7 steps, 3) Shocked the skin with liquid aftershave, 4) Have to hydrate it again.

The truth about the best aftershave…

Why do I, as a professional barber, use both liquid and cream aftershave?

Because the skin of my clients has been entrusted to me, and I want to be as respectful and careful of its well-being for my guests. Some people have skin that is sensitive enough that it requires multiple applications of both kinds of post-shave. skin closing, products.

As a professional, I use the liquid to close the pores after the shave. And next, the cream moisturizer to make sure the skin stays closed to prevent painful breakouts.

In my experience, I have seen the best post-shave results in my guests that choose to use both types of aftershave.

The truth about the best kind is this… There is no universal miracle product that will work the same for every person. It might take a few brands to test and see which is the best for your skin.

I can argue and say that the best is the Suavecito because it’s my personal favorite. But it doesn’t have to be yours.

Guarantee it will be good for you and you won’t regret trying it out, but I am also open to you finding your own best aftershave.

The best aftershave is the kind that works for your skin. It doesn’t cause more breakouts (sometimes fragrances cause irritation for some people), and you are confident when you use it.

But truly, once you change your habits and use aftershave BOTH properly, you will never shave the same again.

If your best aftershave is different than mine, I would love to hear about it, please comment below!