Cheat Sheet Tip Calculator for Hairdressers in 2023-2024
Tip Calculator for Hairdressers. How to calculate a percentage to tip your hairstylist or barber.
Tip Calculator for Hairdressers
Let’s make this easy for everyone. So here are the basic numbers before we get to the other quick calculators on a variety of tip percentages.
👇 Quick Tips👇
How much to tip your hairdresser on $400 = $80
How much to tip your hairdresser on $250 = $60
How much to tip your hairdresser on $200 = $50
How much to tip your hairdresser on $150 = $30

Quick Tip Calculator Cheat Sheet
$600 – $90.00
$500 – $75.00
$400 – $60.00
$300 – $ 45.00
$250 – $37.50
$200 – $30.00
$175 – $26.25
$150 – $22.50
$125 – $18.75
$100 – $15.00
$90 – $13.50
$80 – $12.00
$70 – $10.50
$60 – $9.00
$50 – $7.50
$40 – $6.00
$30 – $4.50
$20 – $3.00
$600 – $120
$500 – $100
$400 – $80.00
$300 – $60.00
$250 – $50.00
$200 – $40.00
$175 – $35.00
$150 – $30.00
$125 – $25.00
$100 – $20.00
$90 – $18.00
$80 – $16.00
$70 – $14.00
$60 – $12.00
$50 – $10.00
$40 – $8.00
$30 – $6.00
$20 – $4.00
$600 – $180
$500 – $150
$400 – $120
$300 – $90.00
$250 – $75.00
$200 – $60.00
$175 – $52.50
$150 – $45.00
$125 – $37.50
$100 – $30.00
$90 – $27.00
$80 – $24.00
$70 – $21.00
$60 – $18.00
$50 – $15.00
$40 – $12.00
$30 – $9.00
$20 – $6.00
Why Do We Tip Hairdressers?

Why is it important to use a tip calculator for hairdressers or barbers?
There’s more to it than ‘You just should’, and ‘It’s expected’ or, ‘It’s rude not to tip.’
All of which is true, but that’s not the only reason.
In many salons the stylists are paid minimum wage, a tip is an extra compensation that they count on to pay their bills.
What if I can’t Afford to Tip my Hairdresser?
Budget the tip into the total cost of the service.
As another rule, if you can afford the service but can’t afford the tip, you actually can’t afford the service.
It’s okay to wait and save just a little bit longer to be able to complete saving.
Put yourself in your stylist’s shoes. Most hairdressers work for tips, they receive very low hourly rates because most corporations count on their staff receiving tips to make most of their salary.
But to be quite candid, hairstylists remember clients who don’t tip. If you want to continue seeing the same stylist and build a good relationship with them, treat them well and save for the tip.
Not All Salons Pay Their Employees the Same Way
In many salons the stylists are paid minimum wage, even worse, minimum tipped wage. This is why gratuity (a tip) is extra compensation that stylists count on to make a living.
Others shops work on a commission basis where the owner of the shop makes a greater percentage than the stylist, therefore the gratuity (the tip) pays for the stylist’s groceries for the week.
Should I Still Tip my Hairdresser if I Don’t Like My Hair?
It’s polite. Leaving a tip is good etiquette to leave for someone who is doing you a service.
How do you usually react when someone is rude to you? A typical reaction is to be rude back, right?
Don’t be rude to your stylist, they have control over whether you get another haircut in 2 weeks or 8 weeks. Most stylists don’t give in to the temptation of ruining a haircut because of a rude customer but I’m not going to lie, I’ve seen it happen.
Be courteous, and leave a tip. If you are especially pleased, tip a little extra. I promise, stylists remember those who are generous and those who are stingy.
Body language, verbal language, and etiquette…
Tipping your stylist is also another language. A good tip means, ‘I appreciate your work.’
‘I’ll be back.’
‘I’m happy with this haircut.’
‘Please don’t go anywhere.’
‘I support you and your career.’
How much is an appropriate tip when using a tip calculator for hairdressers?
Now I’ve been asked countless times in the shop, ‘How much is the normal tip?’ and ‘What amount should I leave?’
As a general rule as far as tipping goes, not only for hairstylists but for bartenders, waitresses, and delivery drivers, 20% should be the very minimum.
To tip 20% and you don’t know how, it’s easy. Use the calculator on your phone, it takes 20 seconds.
To calculate without a calculator for a 20% tip, you take the total of your service and calculate what 10% of that total is, then multiply that by 2.
See the tip calculator above to help you calculate quickly.
Do you Tip Salon Owners?
When the owner is a stylist, oftentimes the overhead costs are more than you would imagine.
There has to be money coming in so that there is a shop to go to in the first place, and to hire on and keep the best stylists employed, the owner also is responsible for all of this as well as make a living for themselves. And as an owner and stylist, they are working alongside their team, on the floor, just as hard, performing the same services. Tipping the owner is just as important as if they were an employee.
It is a common misconception that the owner of a business is a greedy, slimy rascal that cheats his staff by taking their hard-earned money.
This is false.
Not all salon and shop owners are greedy. Of course, there are a few that are the reason these misconceptions and horror stories are around, but it is not as common as you might think.
If you have the great privilege and pleasure of your stylist or barber being the owner of your favorite barbershop or salon, thank them, and tip them well.

FAQs Tipping your Hairstylist
Do you tip when you get your hair fixed?
Eh, gray area. The hairstylist is still taking time out of their working day that they aren’t getting paid for fixing hair.
If you’re seeing the same stylist that did your hair in the first place, you could not tip them. But I would recommend paying maybe half of the tip you would for the first service.
When you’re seeing a different stylist to fix the results of a bad service, definitely tip the new stylist for their good work and to thank them for making you feel confident in your hair after a bad hair service.
Cash or Card?
Tipping cash or card is acceptable. However, sometimes the stylist will have a preference on which they would rather you give.
Some stylists only take cash or Venmo tips. Ask your stylist if they have a preference.
Is it Rude Not to Tip a Hairdresser?
At least in the USA, it is rude to not tip your hairdresser. Some countries don’t have a tipping system in place to compensate for fair wage.
Luckily for us, we live in an age where we can easily access a quick tip calculator for hairdressers!
What About Free Services? Do I Tip for Free Salon Services?
Such as a free bang trim or neck clean-up, sometimes not charged by salons, do you tip for those?
You aren’t required to. But again, keep in mind that the time spent on your hair, doing your service, is time away from other paying customers.
It would be considerate and polite to tip $5 for free services.
Is $50 a Good Tip for Hair?
It depends on how much the original service cost and how long it took the stylist to perform the service.
$50 is a good tip for services ranging $125 – $250.
If the visit included more than one small service, such as a wax, beard trim, toner, etc. added onto the haircut. $50 would be appropriate for a haircut as well the add on services performed.
Is 20 a Good Tip for Hairdresser?
Again, it depends on the original price of the service and how much time it took them.
$20 is an appropriate tip for any haircut over the price of $35.
Your stylist will be appreciative of your support to them and their services and would demonstrate what kind of a client you are to your stylist.
What do you tip on a discounted service or coupon?
You should tip the a minimum of 20% of the end price of the service, even if you have a coupon.
If the discount is a small service such as a wax or a blowout, it’s polite to tip the same amount as you would for the full price.
Do you tip hair apprentices?
Depending on how involved the apprentice was in your service, it is appropriate to tip them for their service.
Even if they only wash and blow dry their hair, tip them about half of what you tip the head stylist for their help in your service.
Do I tip if I missed my appointment and rescheduled?
This depends. If you didn’t inform the salon that you weren’t going to make the appointment and end up no-showing the hairdresser, you should definitely still tip them for the time that they would have been spending on your hair.
No-showing is an issue in the salon (especially with the clients that have done it more than once) because the stylist set aside that allotted amount of time for you and no longer can get that slot filled or be paid for that time. And once again, a good chunk of a stylist’s paycheck is tips.
However this tip does not replace the tip they earn at the time of their service.
IF you gave the salon enough time in advance (2-4 hours or more) to reschedule the appointment to another upcoming date, there is no need to compensate the stylist’s time.
To Sum Up Tip Calculator for Hairdressers
Be generous, generosity always makes its way back around to you.
Tip at LEAST 15%, even if the service was sub-par. You can always choose to go elsewhere or see another stylist. But you won’t leave a bad reputation for yourself at the salon and you will be a favored guest even behind closed doors.
The tip that you leave your stylist communicates more than ‘here’s money.’ It means ‘I am happy with my haircut.’
If you can’t afford the tip, you can’t afford the service.
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Hairdresser Tip Chart – How Much do I Tip a Hairstylist to be a Good Customer?