Camping Hairstyles- Easy Hair Tips for Camping
How to handle your hair while camping, hiking, horseback riding, bike riding… And all outdoor activities. Here are some easy camping hairstyles to hold you over.

I’ve had several inquiries as to ‘What do I do with my hair when I camp and hike so I don’t come home with dreads?’ It’s easy. Camping hairstyles take a little practice, but in truth, there are endless possibilities for easy camping hairstyles.
How do I know how easy camping hair is?
As a professional barber and cosmetologist, I have the tremendous privilege and pleasure of choosing my own schedule and can arrange my work around my life. Instead of the other way around.
Hubby and I just wrapped up a season of full-time vanlife. We lived in a converted shuttle bus for 6 months and loved almost every minute.
But one of the biggest challenges and changes for me was not having running water. We had to change how we cleaned ourselves and for me, hair is awfully important, how to change my hair care routine.
Here I’m going to talk about how to take care of your hair while camping. And add a few easy camping hairstyles.
If you have more questions about vanlife and our experience please visit Blog Escargot Living
Anyways, back to camping hairstyles…
Camping Hair 101 – Dry Shampoo
Dry shampoo all the way.
How dry shampoo works is like this, it comes in an aerosol can, and once sprayed on your roots, the product grabs onto the dirt and oil on your scalp.
How to Use Dry Shampoo
- Section out your hair from the middle part in horizontal sections.
- Use the spray and quickly spritz the dry shampoo across the parted section
- Continue using horizontal sections, about an inch apart, and spritz in the same way until you are about two inches above your ear. You won’t shouldn’t have to use dry shampoo that low on the head.
- Repeat this process on the other side of the head, using horizontal sections, about an inch apart.
- After spraying both sides of your head, flip your head upside down and shake out those roots using your fingers. Almost like you’re scrubbing shampoo in the shower, except it’s dry and you’re upside down.
Your hair might still feel like there’s thick and dry product on it and might not feel silky and squeaky clean, but it looks cleaner. And there is less dirt and oil sitting on your scalp than before.
However, BONUS! Dry shampoo helps make your hair look fuller and thicker!
I personally don’t like the feeling of dry shampoo, but that’s my personal preference. So I will use dry shampoo occasionally, but my hair also doesn’t get oily very fast, so I typically go 3-4 days without washing anyway.
Is it Okay to Wash Your Hair Once a Week?
Hiking Hairstyles
Most occasions for hiking are only a day trip. But nonetheless, the wind is merciless and tangles are impossible to avoid.
I highly recommend braids!
Braids, braids, braids. My happy place.
I love hiking and I love braids.
For me, I go through seasons of super long hair and then cut it all off and have super short hair. I assure you, dear reader, that short hair will not prevent you from being able to braid your hair.
Hiking braids don’t have to be fancy (you’re hiking, they don’t have to be pretty just practical). They just have to keep your hair secure to keep the wind from tempting them to come undone and tangled.
Top 3 Easy Camping Hairstyles
Camping Hairstyle Option #1-
✔️ French braid, one on each side of your head, like piggy tails. This is my favorite go-to for windy days because my shortest layers fall out of any other braid. And this option is perfect for both long and short hair.
Camping Hairstyle Option #2-
✔️ Laura Ingles, Little House on the Prairie braid. Just a regular three-strand braid starting at the back of your neck that trails down your back. This style is typically better for longer hair, or those wearing hats.
You can also do this with the front pieces of your hair if it’s shorter. and tie them together into a ponytail in the back. It keeps the hair out of your face and untangled.
How to do a three-strand braid

- Start by practicing with string, or straw papers at a restaurant. Begin by making sure all three pieces are tied at their origin (like hair is connected to the head, or by a ponytail).
- Next, you hold two strands in one hand and only one in the other. This is the same for both Left-handed and Right-handed individuals.
- Simply turn your wrist, so that the middle strand is now on the outside of the three strands you begin to braid.
- After the center strand is on the outside, then take the new middle strand with the opposite hand (now THAT hand has two strands and the other only has one). And the process starts over again.
By turning your wrist, now the other side’s outside strand is in the middle. Trading again with the opposite hand so that now you have one strand in one hand and two in the other. And once again it’s the other hand’s turn to twist the outside strand in the middle.
You’re braiding!
It may take some practice but keep going!
Camping Hairstyle Option #3-
✔️ Bandana and ponytail. Just rock it! It’s pretty straightforward. Tie short hair at the nape (back of your neck) and tie a bandana like we used to in the early 2000s.
If you are not familiar with this reference to Option #3- Bandana and ponytail, simply take a bandana, fold opposite corners together to form a triangle, and tie the longest corners together. Then, just slip it over your head like a headband. If it’s not tight enough, flip upside down and tie the knot tighter.
For longer hair and the bandana style, start to tie your hair in a ponytail but with the last pull through only pull the ponytail halfway through so that it isn’t as long and the wind won’t have it flapping and tangling together.
The bandana will keep dust and dirt from getting into the hair at the scalp. The only downside is that you may sweat a little more under the bandana.

And voila!
Once you find your favorite version of these three camping hairstyle options, you should be golden!
Option #1 and #3 will last the longest for a day-long hike unless you have Repunzel locks that go clear down your back. Option #2 might be easier for super long hair.
Enjoy your hike! I’d love to hear about where you went and see photos if you’re willing to comment below. Have so much fun! And now you have one less thing to worry about while you’re out there!
Camping Hairstyles Part II – Easy Tips and Tricks for Camping
Hiking Hair- 22 Quick and Simple Tips and Ideas for Hiking Hair
14 Backpacking Hairstyles – Cute and Easy
What about Vacation hair? Is that different?
Vacation hair being different than camping, hiking, and outdoor vacations please visit Vacation and Travel Hair Tips and Tricks
📸 Photo: Me hiking in pig tail braids at Patricks Point State Park, California. The second photo is Hubby and I at Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado, hiking in french braids tied into a ponytail.