Can you Perm Bleached Hair? Everything You Need to Know
Can you perm bleached hair? Here is everything you need to know before attempting the gorgeous blonde curly locks yourself.
Be aware and prepared, it is a difficult and harsh process on the hair.

Can you Perm Bleached Hair?
It is not recommended to perm bleached hair because both chemical processes are extremely harsh on the hair, causing their own levels of damage that you would not typically want to allow happen one after another.
But is it possible? Yes.
Here’s the rule of thumb when it comes to perming bleached hair… the rule of 2s.
After bleaching your hair wait 2 weeks -14 days- before perming your hair.
After a perm wait 2 days- 48 hours- before washing your hair.
But first, let’s talk about what each of these chemical treatments does to your hair.
What is a Perm?
A permanent treatment (a perm) chemically alters the internal structure of the hair, permanently changing its shape (we call it ‘texture’).
What Does a Perm do to the Hair?
Once hair has been permed it cannot be reversed without severely damaging the hair, but the individual will need to wait for the natural hair to grow out.
Perming hair does not permanently change the natural texture that hair will grow out of your head.
What Does Bleach do to the Hair?
Hair bleach is a strong chemical that opens the cuticle, the outside of the hair shaft, and draws out the natural color pigment.
Once hair has been bleached it cannot ‘fade to its natural color’ again because the pigment no longer exists in the hair.
Bleached hair can be filled and toned back to the original color, or other desired colors.
Because bleach opens the cuticle, forcing its way into the hair shaft it also dries out the hair from the inside out and cracks the cuticle. Both of which are treatable and why we can still safely use bleach on hair.
We must be aware though that after using bleach, the cracked cuticle needs extra attention and moisture since it cannot retain it on its own as well as before.
What Comes First? Perm, Bleach, or Color?
There is a correct order to achieve a bleached or colored perm but you have to get them done in the right order so that the chemicals from one treatment don’t cancel out or have a bad reaction with another.
βοΈ First, bleach. Bleach lightens the hair by removing natural pigment.
βοΈPerm next. The chemicals from the perm will remove any toner or artificial color on the hair, but the bleached color will be unaffected.
π Third is color or toning treatments. By applying color after the bleach removes natural pigment, and after the perm has completed its final stage (see the 14 steps for perming below) of processing, the hair will be ready for it’s final tone or color and it will not be stripped or faded by the other processes.
Keep in mind that after this many chemical processes in one day your hair will be fragile and need a break.
The best way to take care of your hair after multiple chemical processes like these is to not wash or brush the hair for 48 hours or more, and wait at least 4 weeks before any other chemical treatments.
More about how to take care of permed hair below.
Perming Bleached Hair

There is a huge difference two bleaching permed hair, and perming bleached hair. The results and damage are vastly different if the processes are done out of order.
We’re talking about perming already bleached hair, where the natural pigment has been lifted out of the hair strands and the cuticle has been cracked by the harsh bleach.
Like discussed above, a perm damages both the internal structure and the external structure of each hair strand, so perming already bleached hair can cause irreversible and permanent damage.
I recommend choosing one. Either perm or bleach, not both. But again, it is possible to achieve a bleached perm, however it is at your own risk.
What could happen?
- Hair loss due to chemical damage to the scalp
- Severe breakage to the hair itself that cannot be repaired but only cut off
- Extremely dry hair
When is it safe for my hair? How long should I wait?
If it shouldn’t be done together on the same day how long should I wait?
Get a test strand done, or do it yourself 7-14 days after bleaching your hair to see if it can handle the chemical damage without melting.
The Importance of a Test Strand
When doing a test strand you are checking to see if the integrity of your hair’s elasticity.
A test strand will tell you if more chemicals on the hair will compromise the cuticle and it stretches to the point of breaking, even with very little tension pulling the hair.
A test strand is when you apply the solution to a piece of hair, either that is still on the client or cut off. I recommend cutting a piece of the client’s hair when performing a test strand. After the solution and process has been done to the hair, test for elasticity. Is the hair stretchy or does it tear and break?
If the hair tears and breaks off, it is not strong enough to be done to the entire head. When this happens aren’t you glad you didn’t just do that treatment to the whole head and all of the hair melt and tear off!?
4 Best Perm Solutions for Bleached Hair – Gentle and Safe
Zotos Warm and Gentle Perm –
As in its name the Zotos Gentle Perm is a gentle perm that is gentle on the hair that has already had some chemical damage.
It is safe for chemically treated hair and easy to use at home.
Be sure to read the directions on the box very carefully and if you need further instructions, follow the 14 steps for a perm below.
Ogilvie Salon Styles Professional Perm –
Ogilvie Professional Perm is designed for thin, weak, and previously chemically treated hair.
Resulting in soft and gentle curls and contains conditioning agents that is less damaging than other perm solutions.
Zotos Hair Texture EFX Perm –
Like the other Zotos perm the EFX is safe for chemically treated hair but doesn’t have as strong of a chemical smell as most other perms.
Unlike most other perms, cysteamine as the main ingredient, which means that this type of perm will last about a month less than other perms but won’t smell so strongly
ISO Option 1 Thio-Free Waving Perm Solution –
Designed for weak, colored, and thin hair.
Affordable and easy to do at home. And is thio-free, which means it is more gentle on bleached hair, but may not last as long as other perms.

The 14 Step Process of a Perm
π First the hair must be clarified
βοΈ Next the hair must be rolled in rollers of the desired width (to make either super tight and kinky curls, or wide ringlet-y curls)
π The hairline must be coated with vaseline and wrapped with cotton or a towel so that the perm solution will not run into the eyes or face of the client
Once the above steps are done the chemical process can begin…
βοΈ Perm solution is mixed. Usually there are two parts to perm solution and they must be added together. But not always If doing this at home on yourself read the directions on the box! Do NOT mix the perm solution with the neutralizer! This will ruin the product and you will have to start over with a new box.
βοΈ Put on gloves -usually included in the box.
βοΈ When the perm solution is mixed and ready in the bottle you can begin by applying the solution to each roller on both the top and bottom until every roller has been applied.
π Set timer to the recommended amount of time.
The timer is extremely important when perming hair. If left too long perm solution will eat through the hair and ruin the elasticity of the hair making it stretch and break off effortlessly. If the perm solution is not left for long enough the entire process was for nothing and it will not work.
During this amount of time the perm solution is chemically breaking down the bonds inside of the hair strand that give it its strength and shape. Thus, allowing the possibility of permanently changing the shape once neutralized.
βοΈ Once the timer goes off – again read the box!- you will either apply the neutralizer on top of the solution or rinse for 5 minutes.
Neutralizer does not have to be mixed with anything before being applied, unlike perm solution .
The neutralizer solidifies the hair shape, whatever sized roller used, by suddenly bringing the broken bonds together again.
π Set another timer for the recommended time for the neutralizer.
βοΈ After the hair has been clarified, rolled, the hairline protected, solution applied, processed, and neutralized, it’s time to rinse. The water must run on the rollers for at least 5 minutes. Therefore…
π Set yet another timer!
βοΈ Then after the perm solution is entirely rinsed out of the hair, you can remove the rollers.
βοΈ Gently massaging conditioner into the hair and instructing the client -or if you are doing this on yourself- to not wash the hair for at least 48 hours.
The bonds have not solidified quite yet and allowing the hair to dry and rest for that amount of time completes the perm process.
βοΈ Afterward if you or your client desires you may blow dry the hair with a diffuser and cool air to help the curls.
But again, do not wash the hair for 48 hours. Allow the entirety of the hair -inside and out- to remain completely dry over that period of time.
It is a very time consuming treatment that is extremely harsh on both the internal and external structure of the hair.
Perm solution is very drying to the hair because, of course, it chemically opens the cuticle and changes the internal structure of the hair strand, and the chemicals must be removed from the inside out again.
How to Take Care of Permed and Bleached Hair

Tips for Care After Perming Bleached Hair
What if you already had your hair permed and bleached? Or you choose to proceed with the process anyway. How can you take care of your hair?
β Do not wash your hair for at least 48 hours after a perming your hair. But also, don’t wash your hair very often afterwards either.
This will dry out your hair more than your already dry hair can handle.
Is it Okay to Wash your Hair Only Once a Week?
π Use gentle sulfate-free shampoos and cleansers.
Or even make your own! Try out a chemical-free cleanser and conditioner recipes in the link below.
Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse Recipe
21 Ingredients to Make Homemade Conditioner for Hair
β Do not use a blow dryer on permed hair. Especially if it’s been bleached as well.
A blow dryer dries out hair (obviously), but especially more so when the cuticle is cracked. Heat from the blow dryer will lift the cuticle and let the moisture that is in the hair out. This will make permed hair more frizzy.
π Be gentle with your hair, don’t brush or touch it very often.
Brushing and touching your hair will stretch it after these chemical treatments. Also, be very careful when towel drying your hair. Do not twist it too tightly in the towel or it will stretch and break the permed and bleached hair.
π Get a haircut (slight trim) after each service. Both the bleach and the perm.
This will ensure that the split ends that happens after bleach, and again after a perm will be cut off and you will not have to worry about that damage traveling further up the hair strand.
How to Protect Permed and Bleached Hair
- Wash infrequently by using sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners like mentioned above.
- ALWAYS use a leave-in conditioner to hydrate the cuticle and help those curls bounce and help prevent frizz.
- Use a chemical-free mask every week or two to protect and seal in the color, toner, and hydrate the permed and bleached hair.
- If spending time outside and there’s a high wind, cover the hair so that it doesn’t get tangled or matted. After a perm and bleach treatment, the elasticity of the hair is compromised and it is easier for the hair to stretch and break.
- Sleep with a silk or satin pillowcase to prevent further friction on the cuticle of the hair, and prevent tangles.
- Continue getting trims to get rid of the inevitable split ends from the bleach, perm, and daily wear and tear.
- Do not use hot tools on your permed and bleached hair (curling irons, flat irons, or blow drying without a diffuser)
Do split Ends Stop Hair Growth?
Is My Hair Healthy? Quiz To Do At Home
Are Satin Pillowcases Good for Hair? Silk vs Satin
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FAQ Can you Perm Bleached Hair?
Can you bleach permed hair?
Doing the perm first and then the bleach? Is that safe?
Not recommended.
Bleaching hair that has already been permed, when the internal structure of the hair has been permanently altered by chemicals and then bleaching the hair on top of that is not recommended either.
Because the hair has changed on the inside, the process was harsh and damaging to the external part of the hair, the cuticle. Bleaching already permed hair is not a good idea because if the cuticle is damaged further with the bleach after the perm it is impossible to repair the damage and leaves your hair exposed to the elements, which in itself is more damaging as well.
Nothing can be done except growing new hair and cutting off the old and damaged parts if you bleach permed hair.
Can you Perm Bleached hair?
Yes. It is still inevitably damaging to the hair but less risky than bleaching permed hair.
First bleach, then perm. Not the other way around.
If I choose to perm bleached hair anyway, what perm do I use?
You will want a perm solution that is color safe.
Even if your hair is bleached, not necessarily colored still stick with the color safe perm solution because it will be more gentle on the hair when applied and processing.
- Zotos Warm and Gentle Perm
- Ogilvie Salon Styles Professional Perm
- Zotos Hair Texture EFX Perm
- ISO Option 1 Thio-Free Waving Perm Solution
I bleached my hair a year ago, can I perm it?
After a test strand, and the results aren’t catastrophic, then by all means! Yes!
If your hair withstands the test strand and doesn’t react poorly to the chemical treatment, there is no reason that you should put off your perm.
If I can’t brush my hair after a perm what do I use?
A brush is too harsh and too strong for hair that has been damaged.
But it is also not supposed to be used at all on wet hair even if you don’t have a perm or bleached hair because the width of the brush stretches wet hair (and hair that has been chemically altered and hair thats integrity is compromised will stretch even farther) to the point of breaking.
Use a wide tooth comb to smooth and detangle your hair. It will not pull the hair straight or compromise the elasticity of the hair by stretching it to the point of breaking.
Can you perm dyed hair?
The difference between colored and dyed hair is that the color contains artificial pigment and is deposited underneath the cuticle. Hair dye stains the hair strand itself.
With both colored and dyed hair you want to do a test strand with before perming the whole head.
If you choose not to do a test strand, the co
Color or dye will fade, or could even have a poor chemical reaction.
Can I perm my hair if I bleached it 2 months ago?
Yes, you can. If the hair has had maintenance trims and regular hydrating masks and conditioners, do the test strand to see if there is a bad chemical reaction.
However there shouldn’t be a reason why 2 months isn’t long enough to allow the hair to recover before adding another chemical treatment.
Though BE SURE to read and apply the Tips for Care After Perming Bleached Hair section above to your regular hair care routine.
The Beach Wave Perm on Bleached Hair
Again, you should never perm bleached hair. But is safer to bleach permed hair.
The Beach Wave Perm is simply a perm but done with large perm rods or even rollers to achieve the wavy beachy look.