how to take care of hair in winter

20 Tips on How to Take Care of Hair in Winter Naturally

How to Take Care of Hair in the Winter Naturally. During the winter season, our hair tends to suffer from various problems like dryness, frizz, and breakage. However, with some natural care and attention, you can keep your hair healthy and vibrant even during the cold and dry weather.

how to take care of hair in winter

In this article we will discuss –

  • 20 Tips How to Keep Hair Healthy in the Winter
  • 4 Tips How to Take Care of Hair in Winter Naturally at Home
  • 10 Tips How to Keep your Hair Moist in the Winter
  • How Often to Wash Hair in the Winter
  • 6 Natural Hair Masks to Help Take Care of Hair in Winter Naturally at Home
  • What Products to Use on Hair in the Winter
  • Do We Lose More Hair in the Winter?

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20 Tips on How to Take Care of Hair in Winter Naturally

Here are 20 effective tips on how to take care of hair in winter naturally:

1. Keep your hair hydrated

Hydration is essential to combat dryness during winter. Drink plenty of water and use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.

2. Trim regularly

Regular trims help in preventing split ends, which are more prone to occur during winter due to dryness. Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks for optimal hair health.

How Often to Get a Haircut – for Men – Explained by a Barber

3. Protect your hair from the cold

Cold weather can make your hair brittle and prone to damage. Wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair from harsh winds, snow, and low temperatures.

4. Avoid excessive washing

Shampooing your hair every day can strip away its natural oils, leading to dryness and damage. Limit washing to 2-3 times a week to retain essential moisture.

Is it Okay to Wash your Hair Once a Week?

5. Use lukewarm water

Hot water can further dry out your hair. Wash your hair with lukewarm water to prevent excess moisture loss and maintain its natural oils.

6. Deep condition regularly

Treat your hair with nourishing deep conditioning treatments at least once a week to restore moisture and prevent dryness.

7. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner

Opt for mild, sulfate-free shampoo and nourishing conditioners that help retain moisture and prevent hair damage.

8. Limit heat styling

Excessive use of heated styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can cause dryness and breakage. Minimize their use and always use a heat protectant spray.

Should I Use Heat Protectant on Wet Hair?

9. Massage your scalp

Regularly massaging your scalp can improve blood circulation, promoting healthy hair growth. Use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp for a few minutes every day.

10. Protect your hair while sleeping

Use a satin or silk pillowcase to prevent friction and minimize hair breakage while you sleep. You can also tie your hair in a loose braid or bun to reduce friction.

Are Satin Pillowcases Good for Hair? Silk vs Satin, for Curly Hair & Skin

11. Avoid over-brushing

Brushing your hair excessively can lead to hair breakage and damage, especially when it’s already dry and fragile in winter. Use a wide-tooth comb or a brush with soft bristles to detangle your hair gently.

How to Get Rid of Split Ends Overnight – 12 Causes & Solutions

12. Use natural oils

Incorporate natural oils like coconut oil, argan oil, or olive oil into your hair care routine to provide deep hydration. Apply a small amount to your hair, focusing on the ends, and leave it overnight before washing it off.

13. Eat a balanced diet

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair. Include foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, and biotin in your diet. These nutrients help nourish your hair from within.

What to Eat to Stop Hair Fall Immediately – 40 Tips from a Hairstylist

14. Protect your hair from indoor heating

Indoor heating can make the air dry, leading to moisture loss from your hair. Use a humidifier to add moisture and keep your hair hydrated indoors.

15. Avoid over-styling

Avoid excessive hairstyling during winter, as it can further dry out your hair. Let your hair air dry as much as possible and minimize the use of heat styling tools.

16. Avoid tight hairstyles

Tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails, or buns can cause tension and breakage, especially if your hair is dry during winter. Opt for looser styles to minimize damage.

17. Rinse with cold water

After conditioning your hair, rinse with cold water to seal the hair cuticles and lock in moisture. This helps prevent dryness and adds shine to your hair.

18. Use a weekly hair mask

Pamper your hair with a natural DIY hair mask once a week. Ingredients like avocado, banana, honey, and yogurt can provide intense moisture and nourishment to your hair.

How to Make Homemade Conditioner – 21 Ingredients Found in your Kitchen

19. Avoid excessive color treatments

Hair color treatments can further damage your hair during winter. Minimize or avoid chemically treating your hair during this season to maintain its health and strength.

20. Consult your professional hairstylist

If you are experiencing severe hair problems during winter, it’s always a good idea to seek professional advice. Someone that can touch and feel your hair, or a stylist that already knows your hair.4 A hairstylist can assess your hair condition and recommend suitable treatments and products to address your specific concerns.

By following these 20 natural tips, you can effectively take care of your hair during the winter season, keeping it healthy, nourished, and protected from the harsh elements.

4 Tips How to Keep Hair Healthy in the Winter Naturally at Home

how to keep hair moist in winter

Winter can wreak havoc on your hair, causing it to become dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. However, with the right care and attention, you can keep your hair healthy and lustrous even in the coldest months. Here are 4 essential tips to help you maintain healthy hair during winter.

  • Deep condition regularly

Deep conditioning treatments provide intense nourishment and hydration to your hair, combating dryness and damage caused by the winter weather. Use a moisturizing hair mask or conditioner at least once a week to restore moisture and maintain hair health.

  • Protect your hair from cold and wind

Cold weather and winds can strip away the natural oils from your hair, leading to dryness and breakage. Wear a hat or scarf made of a soft material like silk or satin to protect your hair from harsh elements.

  • Limit heat styling

Heated styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can cause further dryness and damage to your hair, especially during winter when it’s already more vulnerable. Minimize your use of these tools and opt for air drying or using low-heat settings whenever possible.

  • Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids promote hair health by nourishing the hair follicles and promoting hair growth. Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds in your diet or consider taking supplements after consulting with a healthcare professional.

By following these four tips, you can effectively keep your hair healthy, nourished, and protected during the winter season, promoting its overall health and vitality.

10 Tips on How to Keep your Hair Moist in the Winter

what products to use on hair in winter

Winter weather can be exceptionally drying for your hair, making it essential to take extra measures to retain moisture. Here are some effective tips on how to keep your hair moist in the winter:

1. Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner

Opt for hydrating shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated to provide moisture to dry hair. Look for products that contain ingredients like glycerin, aloe vera, and natural oils to lock in moisture and nourish your hair.

2. Avoid over-washing

Washing your hair too frequently can strip away its natural oils, leading to dryness and frizz. Instead, limit washing to 2-3 times a week to retain moisture and hydrolipidic film on your scalp.

3. Use a leave-in conditioner

Applying a leave-in conditioner after washing your hair can provide added moisture and protection throughout the day. Look for leave-in conditioners that have humectant ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin to attract and retain moisture.

12 Best Leave in Conditioners in 2023 – Reviewed by a Hairstylist

4. Opt for a steam treatment

Steam treatments can be highly beneficial in winter to infuse moisture into your hair. After applying a deep conditioning mask or oil treatment, cover your hair with a shower cap and use steam from a warm towel or a steamer for 10-15 minutes. This helps open up the hair cuticles, allowing better absorption of moisture.

5. Seal in moisture with oils

Apply natural oils like coconut oil, argan oil, or jojoba oil to seal in moisture after washing your hair. These oils act as a protective barrier, preventing moisture loss and maintaining hydration levels in your hair.

6. Avoid excessive heat styling

Heat styling tools like blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons can further deplete moisture from your hair. Minimize their use as much as possible and allow your hair to air dry whenever you can. If you must use heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant spray and use the lowest heat setting.

7. Wear protective styles

Braids, twists, and updos can help protect your hair from harsh winter weather. These styles minimize exposure to the elements and reduce friction, helping retain moisture and preventing breakage.

3 Piece Women’s Beanie Pom Pom Winter Hat for $19.99

Winter Wool Knit Hat with Small Visor for $9.49

8. Humidify your living space

Use a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the air during winter months. This will prevent the air from becoming too dry, helping to maintain moisture in your hair.

LEVOIT Top Fill Humidifiers for Bedroom, Quiet, Auto Shut Off, 25 Hour Run Time, BPA-Free, 2.5L Large Tank for $39.99

9. Keep your hair covered

When heading out in cold weather, wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair from the cold wind and snow. Opt for hats made of silk or satin to minimize friction and moisture loss.

Hooded Hat-Scarf Wrap for $16.75

10. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise

Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids is crucial for healthy hair. Include foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens, which provide essential nutrients for maintaining hair moisture.

Does Exercise Help Hair Growth?

By following these tips, you can effectively keep your hair moist and hydrated during the dry winter months, promoting overall hair health and minimizing dryness or damage.

How Often to Wash Hair in the Winter

Finding the right frequency to wash your hair during the winter can be tricky. The dry and cold weather can make your hair more prone to dryness and damage, making it crucial to strike a balance with your washing routine. Here are some guidelines on how often to wash your hair in the winter:

  • Limit washing to 2-3 times a week

Washing your hair too frequently during winter can strip away its natural oils, leading to dryness and frizz. Instead, aim to wash your hair 2-3 times a week to retain essential moisture.

  • Pay attention to your scalp type

Different scalp types have different needs when it comes to washing frequency. If you have an oily scalp, you may need to wash your hair more often to keep it clean and free of excess oil buildup. However, if you have a dry scalp, washing your hair too frequently can exacerbate dryness, so you may need to wash less often.

  • Consider dry shampoo

Dry shampoo can be a lifesaver during winter, as it helps absorb excess oil and refreshes your hair between washes. If you feel your hair becoming greasy or flat between washes, use a dry shampoo to extend the time between washes without compromising cleanliness.

  • Embrace co-washing

Co-washing, or using conditioner to cleanse your hair instead of shampoo, can be an effective alternative for maintaining moisture during winter. If your hair isn’t excessively oily or dirty, consider co-washing once or twice a week to retain moisture while still keeping your hair clean.

Co Wash vs Shampoo – Why you Should for Curly Hair

  • Pay attention to your hair’s needs

Everyone’s hair is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Pay attention to how your hair feels and looks between washes. If it starts to feel dry or frizzy, it may be a sign that you need to adjust your washing frequency.

Ultimately, finding the right balance for washing your hair in the winter requires listening to your hair’s needs and adjusting your routine accordingly. Experiment with different washing frequencies and observe how your hair responds to find the ideal approach that keeps your hair clean and moisturized.

6 Natural Hair Masks to Help Take Care of Hair in Winter Naturally

natural ways to care for hair in winter

Hair masks are a fantastic way to provide intense nourishment and hydration to your hair, especially during the dry winter months. Using natural ingredients in your hair masks can effectively address common winter hair problems like dryness, frizz, and dullness.

Here are six DIY natural hair mask recipes to help take care of your hair in winter naturally:

  1. Avocado and Banana Hair Mask: Avocado and banana are rich in natural oils and vitamins that deeply moisturize and nourish your hair. Mash half an avocado and a ripe banana together to form a smooth paste. Apply the mixture to your damp hair and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
  2. Honey and Yogurt Hair Mask: Honey is a natural humectant, while yogurt contains proteins and lactic acid that help soften and moisturize hair. Mix 1/4 cup of honey with 1/2 cup of plain yogurt. Apply the mixture to your hair and let it sit for 20-30 minutes before rinsing out.
  3. Coconut Oil and Egg Hair Mask: This rich and creamy hair mask is packed with protein and healthy fats that nourish and hydrate your hair. Mix 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil with 1 beaten egg. Apply the mixture to your hair, focusing on the ends. Leave it on for 30-60 minutes before washing it off.
  4. Olive Oil and Aloe Vera Hair Mask: Olive oil moisturizes and strengthens hair, while aloe vera soothes the scalp and promotes hair growth. Mix 1/4 cup of olive oil with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture to your hair, massage it into your scalp, and let it sit for 30-40 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
  5. Almond Milk and Honey Hair Mask: Almond milk provides moisture and nourishment to dry hair, while honey adds shine and softness. Mix 1/2 cup of almond milk with 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing out.
  6. Argan Oil and Shea Butter Hair Mask: Argan oil is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants that help restore moisture and shine to your hair, and shea butter provides deep hydration and protection. Melt 2 tablespoons of shea butter and mix it with 1 tablespoon of argan oil. Apply the mixture to your hair, focusing on the ends, and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it out.

Apply these natural hair masks once a week or as needed, depending on your hair’s condition. Enjoy the benefits of these nourishing ingredients and keep your hair healthy and lustrous throughout the winter season.

How to Make Homemade Conditioner for Hair – 21 Easy Ingredients Found in your Kitchen

What Products to Use on Hair in the Winter

Choosing the right hair products for winter is crucial to protect and maintain the health of your hair during the cold and dry season. Look for products that provide extra hydration, nourishment, and protection against the harsh winter elements.

Here are some essential hair products to use in the winter:

Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner

Switch to a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner that helps retain moisture and prevent dryness. Look for products that contain ingredients like glycerin, shea butter, and natural oils, which provide deep hydration and nourishment to your hair.

Leave-in Conditioner

A leave-in conditioner helps to provide extra moisture and protection throughout the day when taking care of hair in winter naturally. Choose a leave-in conditioner that has hydrating ingredients like aloe vera, coconut milk, or hyaluronic acid to keep your hair hydrated and manageable.

Bumble & Bumble Invisible Oil 3.4oz and Primer 8oz Combo for $63.13

Original Sprout Tahitian Non-Greasy Hair Oil 4oz for $24.42

Deep Conditioning Treatment

Use a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week to restore moisture, repair damage, and improve the overall health of your hair. Look for deep conditioners that have ingredients like keratin, argan oil, or honey, which provide intense hydration and nourishment.

SheaMoisture Intensive Hydration Hair Masque 11.5oz for $11.49

Heat Protectant Spray

If you use heated styling tools like blow dryers or flat irons during winter, always use a heat protectant spray before applying any heat to your hair. A heat protectant creates a barrier between your hair and the heat, preventing damage and dryness.

CHI 44 Iron Guard Heat Protectant Spray 8oz for $12.00

Hair Oil

Natural oils like coconut oil, argan oil, or jojoba oil can work wonders for your hair during winter. These oils provide deep hydration, nourishment, and protection against dryness and damage. Apply a small amount of oil to your hair, focusing on the ends, to seal in moisture and add shine.

Olaplex No.7 Bonding Oil 30ml for $30

Humidity-resistant Hair Spray

Winter air can be dry and staticky, causing frizz and flyaways. A humidity-resistant hair spray can help tame frizz and provide a protective shield against the winter elements. Look for a light-hold hair spray that won’t weigh your hair down or make it feel sticky.

Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo is a great product to have on hand during winter, especially when you want to extend the time between washes. It helps absorb excess oil and refresh your hair, keeping it looking and feeling clean without stripping away essential moisture.

Amika Perk Up Talc-Free Dry Shampoo 7.3oz for $32.30

Silk or Satin Pillowcase

Swap your cotton pillowcase for a silk or satin one during winter. These materials create less friction against your hair, reducing the risk of breakage and frizz. Silk or satin pillowcases also help to retain moisture in your hair, preventing dryness and maintaining its natural oils.

Bedsure Satin Pillowcases For Hair and Skin – 2 Pack For $8.99

By using these essential hair products, you can protect and nourish your hair during the winter months, keeping it healthy, hydrated, and vibrant.

Do We Lose More Hair in the Winter?

It is common to notice more hair shedding during winter. While shedding can vary from person to person, several factors contribute to increased hair loss during the colder months. Here’s why we may experience more hair shedding in the winter:

  1. Seasonal Shedding: Hair shedding is influenced by natural hair growth cycles. During winter, more hair enters the “telogen” or resting phase of the hair growth cycle. This leads to the shedding of older hairs to make way for new hair growth in the spring. Individuals may perceive this increased shedding as more hair loss than usual.
  2. Dry and Cold Weather: Winter weather can cause your scalp and hair to become dry and dehydrated. Dry scalp can lead to itching, which may cause hair breakage and shedding. The lack of moisture in the air and exposure to cold winds can also contribute to hair damage, making it more prone to breakage.
  3. Indoor Heating: Indoor heating systems lower the humidity levels in your home, creating dry air. This can strip moisture from your scalp and hair, leading to dryness and brittleness. Dry hair is more likely to break and shed.
  4. Hat or Scarf Friction: Wearing hats or scarves can cause friction and impede proper blood circulation to the scalp. The friction, combined with the rubbing of winter accessories against the hair, can lead to breakage and hair loss.
  5. Nutrient Deficiency: Winter diets may be lacking in essential nutrients needed for healthy hair growth. This deficiency can contribute to increased hair shedding. It is essential to maintain a well-balanced diet and consider supplements if necessary.
  6. Stress and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): The winter season can bring about increased stress and lower moods for some individuals, which can contribute to hair loss. Stress and imbalances in serotonin levels associated with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can disrupt the natural hair growth cycle.

While it is normal to experience increased hair shedding during winter, it should not cause alarm unless excessive hair loss occurs. If you notice significant hair loss or thinning, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional or a dermatologist to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment options.

By taking extra care of your hair during the winter months and following a healthy lifestyle, you can minimize excessive shedding and maintain the overall health and strength of your hair.

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Product Links Included in 20 Tips on How to Take Care of Hair in Winter Naturally

Original Sprout Shampoo and Conditioner 12oz Combo for $60.12

3 Piece Women’s Beanie Pom Pom Winter Hat for $19.99

Winter Wool Knit Hat with Small Visor for $9.49

LEVOIT Top Fill Humidifiers for Bedroom, Quiet, Auto Shut Off, 25 Hour Run Time, BPA-Free, 2.5L Large Tank for $39.99

Hooded Hat-Scarf Wrap for $16.75

Original Sprout Shampoo and Conditioner 12oz Combo for $60.12

Bumble & Bumble Invisible Oil 3.4oz and Primer 8oz Combo for $63.13

Original Sprout Tahitian Non-Greasy Hair Oil 4oz for $24.42

SheaMoisture Intensive Hydration Hair Masque 11.5oz for $11.49

CHI 44 Iron Guard Heat Protectant Spray 8oz for $12.00

Olaplex No.7 Bonding Oil 30ml for $30

Amika Perk Up Talc-Free Dry Shampoo 7.3oz for $32.30

Bedsure Satin Pillowcases For Hair and Skin – 2 Pack For $8.99