15 Tips for Overcoming Bad Haircut Anxiety
15 Tips How to Overcome Bad Haircut Anxiety
Nobody likes to get a bad haircut. And the anxiety that comes after having a traumatic haircut can be overwhelming.
Here are 15 tips on how to handle bad haircut anxiety.
In this article we will be covering these topics –
- 8 Ways to Cope With Bad Haircut Anxiety
- 5 Ways to Deal with a Bad Haircut
- It’s Okay to Grieve Over a Bad Haircut
- Key Takeaways

8 Ways to Cope with Bad Haircut Anxiety
1. Identify the Type of Haircut you DO Like and DON’T Like
Before you can start to figure out how to cope with bad haircut anxiety, it’s important to first identify the type of haircut that you have received.
If you are dealing with a bad haircut, it could be due to a style that is too short, layered too much or even too shaggy. Understand exactly what it is that you don’t like about it.
Knowing what kind of haircut you have will help you know exactly what to do in order to address it.
Also, next time, have some photos ready to go so that you can show the stylist the –
✔️ Length
✔️ Style
✔️ Shape
✔️ Layers
✔️ What you DO like
✔️ What you DON’T like
✔️ Color in different lights
✔️ Colors or shades and tones you DON’T like in different lights
The more detail you can give the stylist the better.
👏 Also, explaining that you’ve had bad haircuts in the past and how you feel a bit anxious about this haircut will help the stylist understand that it’s not that you don’t have confidence in their skills, and you are willing to give them a chance to
Help 👏 you 👏 overcome 👏 this 👏 anxiety. 👏
You can! And you will! You just have to find the right stylist to fit your needs and hear you all the way.
2. Consider your Options
After you have identified the type of haircut you have, you can start looking at your options on how to change it from this point on.
If you’re dealing with a bad cut because it is too short, you may want to consider getting it evened out a bit with a thinning shear, or seeing if adding some length or texture with a razor or curling iron can help.
If it’s too layered, you may want to ask if some length can be cut to take some of the extra short layers look less short, so it looks more natural.
You may even consider adding bangs or a fringe to cover up any asymmetry.
A new stylist is also excellent to have a fresh pair of eyes to help you brainstorm about what tweeks can be made to help you grow out a bad haircut beautifully.
3. Overcoming Bad Haircut Anxiety by Communicating
Communication is key!
It is important to communicate with your hairstylist about what you want and don’t want from your haircut.
They should be willing to work with you to get the style that you desire. You can also ask them for specific advice on how to cope with the bad haircut anxiety.
This can help to ensure that you get a style that you will be happy with and that won’t add to the anxiety.
Hair Consultation Questions – How to Conduct the Perfect Hair Consultation
If your stylist isn’t asking you these questions, they aren’t completing a full consultation and may not be understanding what you want… Thus the bad haircuts.
Your stylist should be asking you questions such as –
- Tell me about your hair, what do you like about it, and what do you not like about it?
- When was your last haircut?
- What did you ask for during your last haircut? Were you happy with that?
- How often do you like to go in-between haircuts?
- How often do your wash your hair?
- What kind of shampoo do you use?
- What kind of products do you use on your hair?
- What do you see when you look at your hair? How do you feel when you look at your hair?
- How much time would you like to spend on it everyday?
- Do you use hot tools on your hair regularly? Curling iron, flat iron, or blow dryer?
- This is what I am hearing you say, that you want… and you style it this way everyday… Is that correct?
If your stylist isn’t asking questions that might resemble these listed above, they are not being thorough enough and you might want to find a new stylist.
It’s also okay if you prepare answers for these questions beforehand and just tell the stylist all of the answers before they even ask you these questions. The more information you give the stylist (calmly, not filled with panic) the better the haircut will go.

4. Cut down on stress levels – at home and at the salon
Taking steps to reduce stress can help to ease the feeling of bad haircut anxiety.
Simple things like engaging in a regular exercise routine or writing in a journal can all help to reduce stress levels and the feeling of anxiety that can come with it.
Taking the time to relax and de-stress before a haircut appointment can help to keep negative thoughts at bay.
Speak truth over yourself. Remember that you are beautiful whether your hair is the way you want it or not.
Work-Life Balance – Preventing Burnout in the Salon (and as a Client)
If it helps, bring a hype-man (or woman) with you to the salon! A confidence-boosting buddy to remind you how awesome and beautiful you are can help support you emotionally through pushing past your bad haircut anxiety.
5. Take Breaks from the Salon
It is important to take breaks when it comes to fretting over the bad haircut. Putting breaks between getting the haircut and panicking over it can help to reduce anxiety.
Instead of continuously worrying, try to focus your thoughts on something else like engaging in a hobby, indulging in a favorite treat, or even just forgetting about it for a bit.
6. If Anxiety is Crippling, Get Professional Help
If the bad haircut anxiety becomes too overwhelming, to the point when you can feel yourself beginning to panic, it may be worth it to get professional help.
A therapist or psychologist can provide useful services and tips on how to cope with bad haircut anxiety.
They can even help you work through the underlying issues that may be causing the anxiety in the first place.
7. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself after you get a bad haircut is a great way to deal with bad haircut anxiety.
Find ways to pamper yourself and make yourself feel better. Whether it’s a hot bath, a glass of wine, or a massage, treat yourself to something that will help you relax and relieve the anxiety.
8. Be Proud of Yourself
No matter what type of haircut you have, it’s important to be proud of yourself.
👉 Remind yourself that it’s just hair, and it’s okay to make mistakes.
👉 Remind yourself that it’s just a haircut, and that it will grow back.
Recognize your strength and courage for dealing with this anxiety and be proud of yourself for not letting it rule your life.
7 Ways to Cope with a Bad Haircut
No matter how careful you are, a bad haircut can happen to anyone. From uneven bangs to a botched trim, there are plenty of ways to end up with hair that isn’t your best.
It can be frustrating, and it can even lead to anxiety. As a professional stylist for over 10 years, I understand the distress that a bad haircut can cause. And how hard it is to earn the trust of a client that has received a series of bad haircuts.
Here are five ways to deal with a bad haircut –
1. Don’t Panic!
The first thing to remember is that a bad haircut can be fixed!
Don’t panic or get too overwhelmed by the situation. It may seem daunting at first, but with a little patience, you can work on it. Take some deep breaths, and then move on to the next step.

2. Take Inspiration from Others
Another great way to find relief from a bad haircut is to take inspiration from other people.
Look at images of hairstyles that you love and figure out how to incorporate them into your own look. Use a photo of another person’s hair as a starting point, and then use styling techniques to make it your own.
This can help you to feel more empowered and less anxious about the bad haircut.
3. Ask for a Second Opinion
If you’re still not sure how to fix your bad haircut, it can be helpful to seek another stylist’s opinion. No two sets of eyes see the exact same thing. So if your stylist is having trouble seeing the issue you have with the haircut or color, ask if you can get a second opinion from another stylist.
Ask your stylist for tips and advice on how to fix the problem. Or you can ask the second opinion as well.
They can help you figure out which hairstyles work best with your hair type and offer suggestions for how to make the best of the situation.
4. Experiment with Styling Products and Styles
Styling products can be a lifesaver for those dealing with bad haircuts.
From volumizing mousse to finishing sprays, there are plenty of products that can help you disguise the problem. You just have to find which one helps you style and hide what you don’t like about the haircut as it grows out.
Use these products to add volume, texture, and movement to your hair, to help smooth out any problem areas and make the best of the situation.
If you hate your layered hair –
You can also accessorize.
Use hats, clips, headbands, extensions, or even parting your hair a different way can help cover up a bad haircut as it grows out.
You can style your hair with buns, braids, and ponytails while it grows as well.
What to do after a bad haircut – male
For men that have had bad haircuts. Honestly, remember that your hair radically changes after 2 weeks.
If you have to wear a hat for a few days, wear a hat. Or you can use a strong product to slick your hair down or to the side for a few days until it grows.
You can also get a second opinion and find a new stylist or barber. There is no shame in playing the may-the-best-barber-win game. It’s your hair.
Once you find a barber that understands you, listens to you, and takes the time to get to know your hair, stick with them!
Also, prevent further issues by bringing photos to ensure there is no miscommunication. Give the stylist or barber as many details as possible to help them understand what you want.
5. Embrace It
Sometimes the best way to deal with a bad haircut is to embrace it and turn it into something special.
You could try experimenting with different styling techniques or even try out different looks.
A bad haircut doesn’t have to be a disaster – it can be a great opportunity to express yourself and have some fun with your hair. Dealing with a bad haircut can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.
By staying calm, taking inspiration from others, seeking professional advice, using styling products, and embracing the situation, you can work to make the best of the situation and turn your bad haircut into something beautiful.
6. Do Something that Boosts Your Confidence
Get a photoshoot done. Or get a manicure or pedicure.
Do whatever it takes to help you feel confident in who you are and your value.
7. Find a New Hairstylist
In the end, if you have had enough of the last salon and the stylists there, find a new stylist that understands your needs, understands you, asks the right questions and this will change your life!
It’s Okay to Grieve Over a Bad Haircut

Just like the 5 stages of grief over a loved one, you may want to deny that you had any part of the end results but sometimes it’s because of not the desired look having been communicated correctly.
Then you want to become angry. Sometimes it is appropriate. And it absolutely is alright to be upset that you have to deal with a bad haircut now. But don’t allow it to overtake your confidence!
Next is bargaining. You then try to bargain with your hair to try to get it to do what you want it to do. But here’s the thing, you have to work with the hair, not against it. If the haircut isn’t doing what you want it to do, figure out a different way to wear the hair so that you can allow it to grow out.
Big warning here… depression over a bad haircut. Don’t allow yourself to be so down over a bad haircut that you spiral into that deep, dark, dangerous hole. You are stronger than that! Find the bigger picture, bring yourself joy, remind yourself of the truth.
You are beautiful regardless of whether you have a bad hair day or a bad haircut. In the grand scheme of things, this is a small blip in time and your hair will grow again.
Finally, acceptance. Accept the things you have and the things you can’t change in the blink of an eye. Sometimes a bad thing leads to something good.
Finding a new hairstylist that understands you and helps you in your grief over a bad haircut or haircut trauma is absolutely game changing!
Key Takeaways from 15 Tips to Overcome Bad Haircut Anxiety
✨ Speak truth over yourself. You are beautiful whether you have the haircut you want or not.
👏 Everyday remember to stay in the moment, think of the big picture. What is bigger than hair at this moment, today, this week?
👉 Get a second opinion after you got a bad haircut, ask for advise on how to grow it out, how to style it in the meantime, and what they might do differently to help the parts you don’t like.
👌 Bring pictures and as many details as possible on how you style your hair, the exact length you want, and even details on what you don’t want.